Our First Impressions Ministry is a vital area of outreach that we believe very strongly in. It is probably one of our most important ministries, if not the most important, because it is about people.
THE VISION: To communicate to our guests that they are valued and important to us and that FCC is a place where they can belong.
THE PURPOSE: To extent the love of Christ through our hands, to create a welcoming experience, reducing any barriers and / or distractions to the message of the cross.
THE MISSION STATEMENT: To create an atmosphere of warmth and personal acceptance while providing a “safe” envrionment for people to take their next step toward a relationship with Christ.
THE PLAN: To exceed the expectations of our guests by creating WOW experiences of giving and sharing Jesus to everyone entering our doors; going beyond the norm.
“Welcome one another in the Lord with great joy.”
Philippians 2:29a (NIV)
If you are interested in serving on rotation in this ministry, please email Pastor Kevin or call 478-987-5428.